On average, Americans check their phones 144 times a day.* Too much screen time has been linked to higher rates of depression and anxiety, so unplugging is a valuable form of self-care that can help manage your stress.

Get outside.

Connect with nature through your senses instead of your phone. Try hiking to see some of those insta-worthy views up close.
Set up tech-free zones.

For example, no screens in the dining room or kitchen.

Read a book.

Take a break from scrolling and get back to entertainment that doesn't need a power cord.

Turn off notifications after dark.

Try using "Do Not Disturb" mode and putting your phone down well before bedtime.

Have mindful mornings.

Avoid checking your email or social media first thing in the morning. Try meditating or enjoying your morning coffee sans screens.

However you unplug, putting technology to the side is a great way to stay well. You can also always come in to your nearest Marquette Bank branch! We're here to help you face to face when you need to discuss your finances. Come on in!


*Source: PC Mag, "Americans Check Their Phones an Alarming Number of Times Per Day," May 19, 2023.


This article was repurposed with permission from Ellie Mae, Inc. - Encompass© in the Monthly Digest August 2024.
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